Thank a Nurse: National Nurses Week

It’s National Nurses Week! We have all been impacted by a nurse in some way or another during our lifetime, whether it be the moment we are born as they checked our vitals or the caring touch received throughout every procedure. To honor them this week, here are some of the ways they touch lives every day.

Advocating for Patients

Unfortunately, many of us don’t get a lot of time with our physicians. Nurses fill in the gap by being our advocate. They spend the most time with the patients and are able to monitor every part of your health. This puts them in a strong position to be able to advocate for our needs. They are best suited to provide recommendations about our health to other healthcare professionals.

Providing Emotional Support

Nurses have seen it all, yet they do not lose their caring touch. They hold our hands as we hear bad news and comfort us emotionally while we are in pain. They are on the frontlines of every good and bad thing that happens to us in healthcare.

Teaching All

Nurses are often our translators for medical jargon we didn’t understand from the doctor. This means they also need to stay up-to-date on the latest advancements in medicine. They have learned how to communicate complex medical situations to us in a way we can understand and digest. They help us feel capable of being an active participant in our own health.

Caring for Loved Ones

It’s not easy for our loved ones to see us vulnerable. It’s emotionally draining and physically exhausting. Nurses not only take care of us but make sure our loved ones have everything they need as well. Whether it be a blanket or a reassuring smile, they take care of us all.

How can I help an at-home nurse?

Although not expected, nurses would appreciate any items you have around the home to make taking care of you easier. Some of these items include: a pill splitter, disposable washcloths and bath chairs.

National Nurses Week is a week of recognition and appreciation for all of the nurses out there. If you are close to a nurse, not only this week but any time, thank them! ACG Medical Supply has the medical equipment to improve not only your lives but also make their jobs easier. See how we can help today!