8 Lifestyle Changes to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

Like all organs in the human body perform important functions, our kidneys are likewise important organs that filter impurities from the body, manage fluid levels in the body, regulate blood pressure, and keep bones healthy. Not taking proper care of your kidneys might give rise to various chronic kidney diseases. People with diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, kidney stones, obesity, or a family history of kidney failure are most likely to develop acute kidney diseases. However, some good changes in your daily life can help to prevent damage to your kidneys. Here are some lifestyle changes to keep your kidneys healthy:

  1. Regularly Monitor Your Blood Sugar & Blood Pressure

If you have conditions like hypertension, diabetes, or heart problems it is advisable that you regularly check your blood pressure and blood sugar levels. Those suffering from diabetes must maintain a BP level below 140/90 mm Hg. Apart from keeping BP levels in check, one must also take medicines exactly as prescribed by the health care provider. Keeping your cholesterol level in check also becomes an important thing to consider, when you have heart conditions.

  1. Keep Your Body Well-Hydrated

Keeping your body well-hydrated is always good for the skin as well as your health. Drinking water can be quite beneficial for the kidneys as it infuses important nutrients that you’re your kidney function properly. Having at least six to eight glasses of water every day is ideally good for a healthy lifestyle. Lesser intake of water can stop proper filtering inside the kidneys and can also give rise to potential kidney injuries or kidney stones.

  1. Switch to A Healthy & Active Lifestyle

Saying ‘YES’ to a healthy lifestyle is not only good for your kidneys but also improves your overall health. Regular exercise can help in reducing your blood pressure which in turn prevents the risk of heart disease. Those who are suffering from conditions like obesity, especially need to focus on maintaining an active way of living. Exercising doesn’t always have to be doing high-intensity workouts but you can switch to simple ways like running, dancing, biking, aerobics, or early morning jogging.

  1. Follow A Balanced Diet

What you eat is what you become! The type of food a person consumes affects his/her physical well-being. All the food and liquids that you consume are filtered by your kidney. It is therefore important that you consume fruits, vegetables, and whole grains that are high in nutrients and vitamins. Following a balanced and well-proportioned diet will let you control your body’s sugar level and pressure levels, thus reducing the risk of chronic kidney disease.

  1. Quit Smoking and Drinking Alcohol

Out of the various things to avoid for healthy kidney functioning, the most important one is quitting smoking or consuming alcoholic drinks. While your kidneys require utmost hydration, alcoholic beverages may dehydrate the kidneys and make it difficult for your kidneys to regulate the water level in the body. Smoking may similarly leave a damaging effect on your kidneys. It increases the risk of high BP and may also cause kidney failure in the long run.

  1. Avoid Consuming Excessive Supplements or Painkillers

While taking medicines as prescribed by your doctor may help in improving your kidney’s health, taking the wrong medications may worsen the case. Overdoses of health supplements and painkillers can be harmful, especially when you are suffering from kidney disease. It is always recommended that you consult a doctor before taking unprescribed medicines.

  1. Refrain From Having Junk Food & Carbonated Drinks

Besides maintaining a proper diet, it is also quite essential that you avoid consuming food that is high in cholesterol or saturated fats. Junk food and processed food, for instance, are quite unhealthy for your kidneys. Try to avoid fried food like crisps, crackers, cookies, cheese, or other canned/packaged products like noodles and fatty meats. Carbonated drinks are also a big ‘NO’ for those suffering from heart disease or high BP or sugar levels. Carbonated beverages are also a major cause of kidney stone formation.

  1. Consider Early Warning Signs of Kidney Disease

Regular health check-ups are a great way to determine early warning signs of potential kidney diseases. Having poor sleep cycles, muscle cramps, shortness of breath, less appetite, or pale brownish urine are some of these early signs to consider. Avoiding these early signs may further deteriorate your health. If you have any of these symptoms or even have a family history of kidney failure, it is best that you visit a doctor and start the treatment for the same as soon as possible.

In A Nutshell

Some of the major kidney disease causes are high sugar levels, high blood pressure, and heart disease. If you need prescribed medications or supplies for the same, you can conveniently shop from popular medical websites like ACG Medical Supply. Shop for the finest-quality Diabetic Supplies or Diagnostic Equipment like BP monitors, oximeters, and blood glucose meters, delivered to your home at ease.