Walk Your Way to a Healthier You

Have you been keeping an eye on your cardio levels? Maybe even thinking you need to get a little more exercise in? If this sounds familiar, you’re in luck and you’re not alone. Nearly 75% of people are not getting the amount of exercise that is recommended for them to keep a healthy lifestyle, but it’s not too late to turn that around! We have just the tips and tricks to get those extra steps in to ensure that you’re getting the exercise you need and will be well on your way to a healthier you in no time.

How much exercise do people need?

We all know that exercise is good for us, but how much should we be fitting into our daily schedule? ChooseMyPlate.gov recommends the following amounts of physical activity for people of all ages below:

Children (2-5): Physical activity is generally safe for everyone, but there is not a set amount for children of this age. They generally have more energy and will have shorter bursts of activity which is normal. If you are concerned with the activity level of your child, contact your doctor today.

Adolescents (6-17): Children and adolescents should get 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day. Many times, this age of people are getting the amount of exercise needed from school programs and sports. It is important to encourage your children or grandchildren to keep involved and active in activities that keep them moving to promote a healthy lifestyle. 

Adults (18-64): Adults should do at least 2 hours and 30 minutes each week of aerobic physical activity at a moderate level OR 1 hour and 15 minutes each week of aerobic physical activity at a vigorous level. A good way to fit this into your week is to exercise for 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week. This allows you a couple of rest days in there for when you need a break or maybe don’t have the time that day.

Elderly Adults (65+): Elderly adults have similar recommendations for exercise, but have more flexibility as they should exercise as able. If you are unsure of what you should do to keep active, check with your doctor and ask for recommendations on what would be best for you.

What can you use to help you get your exercise in?

There are many different things that one can do to get the right amount of exercise daily. Below are some options for people of all ages to utilize.

Apps: There are hundreds of apps that one can download on their phone to help keep them on track while exercising, tracking time and even showing exactly what exercises to do. Whatever you’re looking for, try searching for it on your phone or looking up what apps might be right for you. You’re bound to find something you love and can stick to!

Walking aids: If you have a disability or are getting older, you may want to look into walking aids to ensure you are staying safe while getting your exercise in. ACG Medical offers a variety of walking aids to keep you safe! Check out our walkers and rollators here.

Equipment: There are many different things that you can have in your own home to avoid getting a gym membership or walking outdoors in dangerous conditions. It might be a good idea to look into getting a treadmill for walking or other equipment such as yoga balls, small weights and even bands that can be stretched out to keep from injuring yourself. While these are just a few guidelines and tips to help you live an active life, there is an endless list of things you can be doing to stay active. One simple tip would be, when in doubt, walk it out. Walking is essential in life and is a simple way to get your exercise in! If you’re looking for walking aids or other products to ensure you’re living a healthy lifestyle, check out ACG Medical. We’re here for you every step of the way.