Why You Should #ChoosePT

October is National Physical Therapy Month! #ChoosePT is the APTA’s hashtag that they use to help bring awareness to why physical therapy is so great and all the benefits it brings. In today’s blog, we’ll talk about products that can help you move forward through physical therapy, why PT is a better alternative over other solutions and what PT can do for you. Read on to see why you should #ChoosePT.

What can I do to speed physical therapy along?

You can’t rush physical therapy, because the body has its own timeline for healing, but there are some things you can do to help with the process. Here are some of our favorites!

  • Biofreeze: Get targeted pain relief with this product! Feel the benefits of cryotherapy to help treat athletic and muscle-related injuries, sore or strained muscles, shoulder and arm discomfort, neck, hip and leg pain, back pain, painful joints, ankle or foot pain and pain associated with bruising or arthritis.
  • Crutches: We offer plenty of different types of crutches to help you take some pressure off your injury. Crutches will allow you to stay mobile while giving your injury the necessary time to heal.
  • ColPaC Cold Therapy Pack: This oversized cold pack will help lessen your swollen injury to help get you back to feeling like yourself!
  • Carex AccuRelief Dual Channel TENS Pain Relief System: Surround your pain with two or four electrode pads and 25 levels of adjustable intensity to enjoy sweet pain relief while healing.

Why is PT better than pain pills?

The number of side effects you can experience from opioids and the potential addiction you can face are enough reasons to make you think twice before taking pills for pain. Depression, overdose and addiction are the three common issues we see when it comes to taking opioids. Physical therapists treat pain and heal your body through movement while partnering with patients to improve or maintain their mobility and quality of life. Opioids just block the pain signals, so you aren’t getting better and will be less motivated to do physical therapy if you don’t feel any pain.

How can PT help me?

Physical therapy is a great choice for so many reasons! It can help you reduce the need for opioids, avoid surgery, improve mobility, aid in fall prevention, improve balance, help with recovery from stroke and so much more. If you’re experiencing any kind of pain issue, physical therapy can probably help in some way – and you may not even realize it! Physical therapy isn’t just about helping you heal a pulled muscle, there’s orthopedic, geriatric, neurological, pediatric, wound care, vestibular, pelvic floor, decongestive, cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation – just to name a few!

We offer a multitude of products to allow you to improve your quality of life. If you have questions about what would be right for you, feel free to contact us today!